Friday, July 9, 2010


what I wear to go to Femina Office
attending a social meeting for Jakarta Fashion Week.
and I'm in! :D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

the Dian Style hijab

1. what you need: a headscarf, a head-fitted inner for headscarf, a pendant-pin, and a needle

2. fold the headscarf and wear it as usual. don't forget to wear the head-fitted inner before

3. pull the left side to the right side, close to the inner

4. pin it

5. and it will be look like this

6. pull the rest to the back side

7. and pin it to the inner, avoiding the visible neck and hair

8. and for the right side, just let it flow

9. or you can put it on the left side to make it more neat

as easy as breathing isn't it? :))
feedback please :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Formal Wear

kebaya doesn't fits me. I never wear a kebaya before. so I decided to make a kaftan-laced dress to attend mas Tito's brother's wedding.. new idea for the one that bored with fitted pleated ruffled beaded kebaya :)