this is me, Dian. I love pink and turqoise..

but I love rainbow the most..

I love rainbow the most..

I love rainbow the most..

and I love rainbow the most..

and rainbow the most :p

this is my besties, Lia and Uni

I have a boyfriend, let's call him mas Tito,

he's so oriental,

I love him, because he's so care,



and he's a thinker,

sometimes, he's just being sweet,

this is my family (I already told you in the post before)

I like being different,

in the past, I was a model

yes I was a model

now, I am a fashion designer

but now I am continuing my study to Cairo, Egypt

no, not in Al-Azhar University, but that's one of my dream

I love di poto bokeh,

di poto with sunshine juga seneng,

I love cooking, walopun belom terlalu bisa

I love Mayestik, that's one of my heaven

everywhere I go, I always bring this orange water tumbler,

I love to wear accessories, especially this rose ring. I can't see something plain

my favorite face part is my eyes

yes, my eyes

anyway, this is me when I'm 5 years old :)

5 things I hate about me:
- gak enakan (I dont have any idea what does it means in english)
- gak suka sayur
- latahnya jelek (eh monyong..)
- suka ngebandingin
- agak ribet
5 things I like about me:
- love to learn new things
- well-planned
- having a vibra sound
- cepet nyambung sama orang baru
- ingin selalu menjadi yang pertama, yang selalu memimpin
5 facts about me:
- pengen banget jadi mahasiswi Al-Azhar Cairo
- terobsesi pake cadar
- cepet suka sama orang, tapi susah sayang sama orang
- seneng dipanggil 'ade'
- suka lagu lagu melayu